........ implies a certain absoluteness of self enjoyment.
Mazatzal Wilderness Overview - Tonto National Forest
The Mazatzal Wilderness is a very large area (250,000 acres) encompassing the north western section of the Tonto National Forest. The wilderness was established in 1940 and expanded to its present size in 1984. The name is correctly pronounced 'Mah-zaht-zahl' sort of like 'Matzo ball' not to be confused with the Casino which is pronounced 'Ma-te-zel' ..... go figure. Elevations range from 1,600 feet at the Verde River to Mazatzal Peak which tops out at 7,903 feet (expect snow in the winter). The plant life is typical for this portion of Arizona with Lower Sonoran vegetation at the lower altitudes, grassy chaparral as you climb the slopes and mixed conifers towards the upper regions. The Mazatzals provide a terrific opportunity to really get away from civilization (with the exception of the Bernhardt Trailhead where most people visiting the area may be found). The drawback is that many trails are seldom used, making them quite overgrown and difficult to follow. If that weren't enough some of the trailheads may be hard to get to as well. The good news is that with the less enthusiastic individuals having been turned aside by the daunting remoteness, stupefying adversity and the alluring sounds emanating from their TV, the place is all ours (unless you count the cows that have trashed some sections). |
Truchas (Spanish for "trout") Peak, also known as South Truchas Peak, is the highest peak in the remote Truchas Peaks group, which is located in the Pecos Wilderness Area in the Sangre de Cristo mountain range, about 20 miles north of Santa Fe. In this group are found South Truchas Peak, Middle Truchas Peak,West Truchas Peak (or West Middle Truchas) and North Truchas Peak. Despite being one of the few peaks in New Mexico of over 13,000', Truchas Peak is seldom visited. The Truchas Peaks are not even covered in the books "50 Hikes in New Mexico" or "100 Hikes in New Mexico" The Truchas group is truly a beautiful group of mountains. Unlike many of the broad, dome-shaped mountains of northern New Mexico, the Truchas mountains are craggy, steep mountains that are more reminiscent of their neighbors to the north in Colorado. The easiest route to the summit is only a class 3 route, but many more difficult routes could be developed in this mountain group. NOTE: there is a great deal of confusion regarding the nomenclature of Middle and West Truchas. These two peaks are really separate high points on a connecting ridge. On many maps, the true Middle Truchas Peak is not named, but West Truchas is erroneously called Middle Truchas. Imagine a "Y" with the upper right line being longer than the upper left. This "Y" represents the ridge system connecting all of Truchas Peaks At the top of the right line is North Truchas, quite a bit farther north than Middle or West Truchas. At the point where the three lines of the "Y" intersect is Middle Truchas. At the top of the left line of the "Y" is West Truchas, and South Truchas is obviously located at the bottom of the "Y." Truchas Peak is really the second highest peak in New Mexico, behind Wheeler Peak. Official lists place Truchas at the fourth highest, but the two peaks between Wheeler and Truchas are really mere subpeaks of Wheeler and not really mountains in their own right. |