Myself and a group of five friends and three dogs visited Hannah in the lower end of the Blue Range Primitive Area over Memorial Day weekend. This was my second trip to this magical area of Chihuahuan desert and meandering slot canyons, of geology that's as varied as it is challenging. I could talk for days about this place, but Todd of Todd's Hiking Guide does it so much more concisely: .
So instead of a trip report, I'll just post the pics of our great trip:
Main house of the now abandoned but well preserved XXX Ranch
with Lara and Jerry's Dog Choppo on the porch.
The deep "Emerald Pool" below Hannah Hot Springs (the slot canyons above Hannah are quite the sight but I didnt' carry my camera up that far....)
Parting shot:
Bo the Dog enjoying the Hot Springs at 130 F (the rest of us could only tolerate the pools below where the hot spring water and cool creek water mingled).
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