Sunday, May 10, 2009

Retro Blogging # 3: Hell's Gate Hike

Hell's Gate is the name of the confluence of Tonto and Hager (sp?) Creeks, just east of Payson, AZ. You can get to the Gate by backpacking/swimming up the Tonto (so I've been told) but most people opt for the 7 mile overland route. Though this is a recommended 2 day backpack or longer, Lara, Bo, and I did it all in one burly 14 mile day. The last 1.5 mile drops something like 1300 feet, making for one hell of a hike back out.....but the views along Apache Rideg of distant Mazatzals and the 100 foot walls of Hell's Gate make it well worth it. True, Bo did take off for about 30 minutes during our hike out, all at a time when we had little day light left and still 5 miles to hike, but overall, I really dig this area and recommend it to anyone looking for a challenging day hike with a rewarding turn around point.

The first several miles had lots of water from the melting snow.

A view of Tonto Creek north of Hell's Gate

Great rest spot and vista about .25 miles from the confluence.

Smiles all around (this was before the grueling hike out,

Bo's disappearance, and busting out the head lamps for the last half mile)

Last proper view of Hell's Gate before heading out

P.S. There are great campsites at the actual Gate so it's well worth a backpacking trip too.

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