Sunday, March 23, 2008

29 Mile Canyon

On March 7, a few of us attempted to reach the Colorado River via 29 Mile Canyon. I say attempted because we didn't actually making it. Faced with a possible hike out after dark, during which we would have had to navigate a 1000 foot vertical gain in about a mile, the group decided to bail after getting a mere glimpse of the seemingly elusive Colorado.

29 Mile is a "side canyon" to the Grand Canyon and is fed by the Shinumo Wash. Located on the Navajo Reservation via dirt roads, this hidden gem sees few visitors. However, what awaits the intrepid hiker is more than worth the effort.....even if their ultimate destination is never realized.

29 Mile Canyon can be seen above and to the left of Shinumo Altar
Starting the hike

Shale-like sandstone on the dry creek bottom

The Colorado can be seen just barely through the gorge walls.

Shadows grow as the day progresses

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